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Energetic Tune-up

(Digital Download)

Energetic Tune-up digital download
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This 25 minute guided visualization exercise will lead you through various techniques for clearing, aligning and opening your energy field. It will help you open up and be present for your life.

Use it when you feel heavy, weighted down, conflicted, confused, or stuck. It will help you shift. Use it more frequently to keep yourself from getting into that condition.

This download contains the techniques I have often used with my clients. Many times when clients hadn’t been in recently, were dealing with crisis, or were new to the work; we’d a considerable part of a session using these exact techniques. Using this Tune-up is huge gift to yourself. I urge you to take advantage of the opportunity!

Some of the techniques included:
Grounding Flows/Column of Light
Verticle Alignment/Manage Energy Field
Male and Female Grounding

Do yourself a favor and have it available for frequent use!!

Grounding/Column of Light :

“I consider these techniques the single most important piece of information I regularly shared with my clients. Using these tools to learn and practice with  them will benefit you every day for the rest of your life.

 The three tracks in this download are designed to build upon each other which will assist you in developing an understanding and practice of these techniques. Being Grounded and in your Column of Light helps you stay centered, gives a channel for the energy of your emotions and thoughts to leave your body, and keeps you connected to your Source of vitality and Life Force. These are all key pieces to personal balance and alignment.

CD includes a 13 minute guided meditation that I use with every client, every visit. It’s that important!

The Key To Me

The Key to Me is a must read for anyone interested in personal growth. The authors masterfully introduce complex principles in a way that is both thought provoking and yet magically simple. It will enlighten you, touch you, and change your life. I highly recommend this book.

–Mark Victor Hansen, co-author Chicken Soup for the Soul

The Key To Me in .pdf format)
(digital download)

Michael Teachings Handbook.pdf
(digital download)

The Michael Teachings is a system that teaches of the evolution of the soul. It is a widely acknowledged body of work that is mentioned in the writings of other channeled works, such as Seth and Abraham.

This is a short handbook I compiled to give you a quick outline of this vast body of work.  A chart and reading outline the fixed aspects of your soul that have been with you many, many lifetimes and the aspects that create your ego/personality this lifetime.

If you want more, there is much information on the internet regarding this system, and people that specialize in charts and readings.