
The term Boundaries is often used these days.  What is a Boundary? A Boundary simply says, “I require this…..It is important to me….this works for me..or….this doesn’t.” They are energetic designations and relate to the needs in each aspect of your person…..mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.

Your Boundaries represent your core values.

Healthy Boundaries are set to keep you safe, to define you, and to honor who are,  what is important to you. Your Boundaries become a definition of how you move through your world. In effect, they present to the world your wholeness, for those who operate primarily out of their wounds have very few Boundaries. Instead they have walls and armor.

We tend to think of setting Boundaries  because of a certain relationship, or situation, and  there are definitely times when that is necessary. Healthy Boundaries, however,  need to already be in place and brought into relationships and situations in your life. Remember, they define who you are


It’s extremely important to set Boundaries with your children, and with your partner. Knowing each others Boundaries gives a sense of security, which allows for more intimacy and a deeper connection. The sharing of Boundaries requires communication, which is important for healthy relationships. 

Having healthy Boundaries means that you have relationships made up of individuals
who respect and honor themselves….and each other.


Check to see if the Boundaries Class is currently on the schedule. [Click Here]