
When we love someone we want to see the best happen for them. It’s difficult to sit by and watch them struggle. This is especially true if we believe we can see another way, a better way. That is the time to remember the great quote by James Allen Lane, […]


I read and then shared something on Facebook the other day. Yeah, yeah, it was Facebook…..but this was worth, not just reading, but sharing. It was a post that made me think….and in thinking realize that changing the world is just one action, one step, away at any given time. […]

Spread Love

If life were a play you would study the “role” you were assigned. You would develop the character by figuring out his or her motivation, attitudes, emotions, and beliefs. Real life is not so very different. For each “role” you take on there are inherent beliefs or “pictures” that come […]

It’s Your Life!

[Most people operate under the illusion that relationships are designed to make them happy. Relationships are designed to help you grow. They mirror to you your strengths. You will recognize these qualities in others, because you have them. They will also mirror your weaknesses. These are very often the qualities that you find […]

Purpose of Relationships

I believe that in our lifetime we must learn both to give and to receive. They are opposite poles of the same spectrum. They are about love.  They work with your heart center, and in their truest forms they both open your heart. I have learned that it is when […]

Giving and Receiving

Let’s rethink Karma. Whether you believe in reincarnation or not you can believe in karma. It is merely cause and effect and you see it in your life all the time. We, all of us, are made up of  personality (ego) and essence or soul. It is your personality that […]

Karma: A Fresh Look