Authentic Self

So far we have explored Authenticity, Presence, and Courage as important aspects to Living as Your Authentic Self. It’s time to look at Vulnerability. Brene’ Brown defines Vulnerability in her book Daring Greatly as “uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.” Why would you risk exposure? Because it’s necessary to experience what […]


The third component necessary to live as your Authentic Self, is Courage. We’ve previously looked at Presence as bringing who you are into the moment… and Acceptance as allowing whatever “is” in that moment. Courage is what it takes to get there. Courage is not about winning or losing. Courage […]


We are on to the second component necessary to live as your Authentic Self, and that is Acceptance. (The first was Presence.) To read that blog [Click Here]. With Presence you bring who you are into the moment….you embody that space in time. Presence is about “being.” Acceptance is about […]


I believe the first component to living your life authentically is what we like to call Being Present, or “In The Moment.” In the spiritual community these words are tossed around frequently. Used this way, the definition is “the period of time now occurring.” It is an aspect of time […]


I teach that we all have one purpose in common, and that is to come to Self-Love. To me, that means we are here to discover and live as our true self, our Authentic Self. So, let’s look at that….. What is your Authentic Self? Who is your Authentic Self? […]

Authentic Self