Your Outer World

In a recent blog called “The Journey of Life”  I looked at how we strive for control and the comfort we believe it will bring. I am realizing that what we are really resisting most often is change. And that is the one constant in life. Change. It seems that to be […]


With so many events happening in the world today that create separateness, how do we focus on unity? On togetherness? On cooperation? On acceptance? How do we stand in the space of love, hold on to our beliefs and open our hearts to one another? For myself, I can say […]

Love…..The Answer

Do you realize that time is a man-made concept? Sixty seconds in a minute, sixty minutes in an hour, twenty-four hours in a day, seven days in a week, and fifty-two weeks in a year……we made that up!! All we were provided was sunrise and sunset, high tide and low […]


Do you know what your three primary needs are? Our needs shape our lives, for we seek to satisfy them. They motivate us and in many ways define us. In the Michael Teachings there are nine basic human needs. Each of us choose three primary needs for our lifetime.  Understanding […]
