
In a recent blog called “The Journey of Life”  I looked at how we strive for control and the comfort we believe it will bring. I am realizing that what we are really resisting most often is change. And that is the one constant in life. Change.

It seems that to be able to embrace change is what makes the difference between a stress-free life and a stressful life. If you look at change as normal, as a surprise, as an adventure, instead of something  to be dreaded, resisted, and feared, then each moment becomes the opportunity for something new. If rather than needing sameness and routine to feel secure you can allow, if not enjoy change, life looks complete different.

Try thinking of your life as a road trip. You can sit in the car and go nowhere, staring at the same view out the window, or you can move the vehicle and watch the ever changing landscape. Life is like that whether you want it to be or not….ever changing.You can enjoy the journey, adapting and shifting to accommodate the new landscape, or you can struggle to stay in the same place and live with the stress that is created.