My Filters

I’ve been watching my interpretations of events lately. I have realized that even before I have time to give something any thought at all I have reached a conclusion, a judgement, of whether it is good or bad….positive or negative. Before any conscious thought, my filters have determined the information the thought will bring by choosing the word(s) I use to describe it to myself. This is how deeply ingrained are my (and your) filters. They are before conscious thought. Wow!

I have studied the brain. I have studied the mind. I have trained as a hypnotherapist. I have talked about filters, perceptions, and beliefs for years.  I have gained an understanding of the concepts and their impact, but I am realizing that it goes even deeper than my previous comprehension. Through my recent observations, I have acquired a new depth to my awareness of my filters. Since my filters are made up of my beliefs and perceptions and shaped by my experiences…this new awareness allows me to see old patterns that I have yet to heal.

When some event happens in my life, in my mind it is immediately categorized as an opportunity, challenge, blessing, connection, opening, moment…..or… a crisis, tragedy, catastrophe, disaster, emergency, situation, predicament, dilemma….you get the idea.  Before I even have one conscious thought about the happening, it is labeled in my mind, and I act accordingly.  The impact of this is amazing.

It happens to me all the time and I observed it the other day.  Something happened that was really lovely and I thought about what a blessing it was. It lead me to think about when things happen that aren’t blessings, how I label those too. What if everything was just an experience? Not positive or negative, good or bad,  but rather another moment, another experience. It would make it another opportunity to learn, to grow, to be present and allow life to unfold. It would take all the judgement of the event, of myself, of others, out of the equation and it would just be life unfolding..moment by moment, every moment equally important. 

I have long been one to hear my own words, to listen to my own thoughts, to bring awareness within. I am having fun catching myself with this labeling. It is bringing me to a place where I can catch myself and shift “in the moment” to how I want to view things, as opportunities….neither good or bad. Over time, and in conjunction with the inner healing, I know this will also change the filter, the initial moment where the word that labels the event pops into my head.