
rope-knots-1374915912SPVAre you tied up in knots?

It could be Fear. Fear can stop you in your tracks, paralyze you, and tangle you up in knots!

As a human, you have all kinds of fears, from phobias to basic human fears such as aging and dying. You can have fears from your imprinting, such as deeply rooted  beliefs and prejudices, and you can have fears from traumas experienced. Many emotional traumas are related to relationships, to trust, and to speaking your truth.

What are Your Fears?fear-441402_960_720

Often it is the areas where you need to be most in touch with yourself, that are wrapped fear. These are the fears you must heal to truly live in alignment with your life’s purpose. Even knowing that, can create a fear of what you must do, or clear, to reach your full potential.

 This is the fear of giving up your judgements, agendas,
and most definitely control.

The crazy thing is when faced with a truly life-threatening situation you realize, quite quickly, that life is not about these fears at all.

You Never Had Control!
Control is an illusion!

It is when faced with a crisis that you realize how much of your life you have given away by clinging to your fears.



Face your fears! Do not let them dictate your life!

If you do not know how, or need help…seek it. Get guidance. There are so many ways to get there from here.  Get started…..Clear your subconscious of these unnecessary roadblocks to your happiness. Live the rest of your life