
I believe that intention is a powerful energy. An intention can change your life….IF you put your attention on it. Intention alone is like writing down what you want and then throwing the paper away. The New Year is a time famous for making “resolutions.” Resolutions to change and that can be powerful…IF you put positive attention to the change you want to create.
                                            Intention + Attention = Change
If you want change in your life you must take ownership of what you can control….what is actually in your control. Once you have done that you have a place to start. Change is necessary if you want to heal and grow. From the time you were born you were imprinted. You were imprinted with rules, values, beliefs, judgements, and fears.  All this imprinting came from people with their own imprinting. You will, and may already have, created the same cycle with your own children. So how do you throw off beliefs that no longer serve you? How do you heal from the negativity some imprinting may have caused? You embrace the opportunity, the necessity, of change. 

You take stock, then you make an intention, you put your attention on it and the result is change. How long it takes to shift depends on how big the change is that is desired, how deep the imprinting. and how much emotion may be tangled up and stored within. Many times assistance is needed. Often assistance from a well chosen team is beneficial. 

Now is the time for change. Change can produce the results you desire in your life.