Let’s rethink Karma. Whether you believe in reincarnation or not you can believe in karma. It is merely cause and effect and you see it in your life all the time.
We, all of us, are made up of personality (ego) and essence or soul. It is your personality that creates karma, and you can be acting out of negative or positive aspects of your personality. It is when acting out of the negative aspects that you create negative karma. Karma is the process through which your soul evolves and grows….and that is your purpose in life…. to heal, to evolve, and to move toward acceptance and unconditional love.
Yet the word “karma” is tossed around like it is a negative thing……a bad thing. I am thinking, if it is your pathway to growth, soul evolution, and enlightenment, it can’t be a negative. You are operating from your false personality when you act out the negative aspects of it. For instance, an aspect of your personality may be you are reserved. In the positive you would behave with restraint, in the negative you would be inhibited. Or what if you are discriminating..in the positive you would have discernment, in the negative prejudice. So it would be out of the inhibitions and prejudices that you would create negative karma with another….that through your inhibitions you would judge them blindly or shame them through the filter of your inhibitions. The false personality believes in separation, in lack. It believes it is alone and fears for its survival. Basically, it is governed by fear. It is your false personality, or your personality acting out of its negative aspects that creates negative karma. But, and here is the important part, often you judge that these behaviors are wrong. Yet when you look at karma you understand that the soul/essence seeks balance and it is through these karmic lessons the soul evolves. If we never acted out of our false personality we would create no negative karma, have no karmic lessons, and cease to spiritually evolve.
So here is the good news. Learn from your lessons and move on knowing that your soul is evolving through them. Cease the judgement. Give yourself a break!! Isn’t that a great plan for the new year?
**By the way, the Michael Teachings study in depth how we set up our personality and essence to learn and grow. I teach classes on this system and also can channel a complete chart for you. Find the link on the Home page to learn more about this system.