Letting Go…….

I am in the process of letting go….of so many things, such as old mental pictures of my life, out-dated plans I had made for the future, and relationships that are no longer healthy for me. In short, I am releasing attachments. I am clearing my expectations of outcomes. Through this process I am also allowing that which stays in my life to be recreated. It is a new time….and I believe, a very important time for all of us who are on this planet.

Many feel inside a quickening….a new higher energy. It can be bewildering, especially if you expect something from it other than what it is….new energy, a higher vibration. Let it be….let go of the need to know what it is….and what it will bring. It is a new beginning. Let yourself flow “with” it, rather than try to direct it. Release your attachment to outcomes….let go of your “old pictures.”

It’s a time of change. It’s an important time. If it is difficult for you to make this shift alone (which for most of us it is), seek assistance. There are so many different kinds of professionals, and wonderful healing therapists from which to choose.

Let go of your resistance and struggle…overcome your fears…Relax, and enjoy the ride………….