
I have been working on shifting and eliminating my limiting beliefs. A short while ago I started a list of limiting, or negative, programming.  I tuned into my thoughts and wrote down limiting beliefs as I became aware of them. Before I started the list and truly began to pay attention, I would have told you I had very few. WOW! Once I really tuned in my list grew and grew. I was astounded at the stories I had been telling myself!

It has often been said that we are what we believe. What I am learning as I look at these limiting beliefs, these old perceptions, is that while they may no longer be true, they define me all the same. As long as they are playing in my head and field, my life is a reflection of them. 

We are raised with the the beliefs of others, these create deep programming. We also all have had circumstances in our life that have imprinted us with false programming. These programs may have been valid at the time, but are no longer. Since we are hard-wired for survival these old beliefs stay alive as protection…..but that protection begins to get in the way.  For instance, I spent many years healing from a head injury. Many of the things I knew to be true then are no longer true. Here are some I found:

          “I have limited energy and I have to be very careful to not overdo it.”
           “I need lots of down time.”
           “If I do too much I it will set me back.”
           “I need a nap every day.”
            “I can’t do it alone.”

This old programming was based on experience, diagnosis, and prognosis, and while true once, none are true any longer. For my life to change I had to release them and in their place create new positive beliefs of wellness, vitality and energy.

The first step is to become aware. Look at how you are limiting yourself, holding yourself back by old imprinting. Start your own list as you hear yourself express limiting beliefs, so you can turn them around!