Love…..The Answer

With so many events happening in the world today that create separateness, how do we focus on unity? On togetherness? On cooperation? On acceptance? How do we stand in the space of love, hold on to our beliefs and open our hearts to one another?

For myself, I can say that I can’t do it and focus on the events. I can’t do it and focus on the traumas, dramas, fears and hatred. And when it is brought to my attention,  I honor each souls passing, witness it with love, and the contribution they have made to the collective consciousness. The collective consciousness, where all souls are one. Where the energy is of love. Where God/Goddess/Universe/Creator resides. Where all the earthly problems have been left behind and we are One, once again. 

What I do know is that holding onto our wounds, guarding them zealously as if they were precious objects, binds us to them. It holds us in that energy….the energy we are fighting against.  It reminds me of the quote, “Harboring resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other guy to die.”

What I do know is that every single personal wound you are holding onto, that you have not healed, fuels another collective…..a Pain Body of fear in all its forms and emotions. We have a choice. Healing our personal wounds is not just for ourselves, it is not “selfish.” Healing our wounds, releasing our baggage, brings us to love, once again……then that is what we put out into the world. That is a powerful force to put out into the world.