
Manifestation, or creating what you desire, is a buzz word these days. It’s not a new concept, it has been around since the beginning of time. In the bible there are many references. In fact, Jesus was a master of manifestation. He used this energy to feed the masses (loaves and fishes). He used this energy in his healing; and he sought to teach us that “what he could do, we too could do.” Moses manifested safe passage by parting the Red Sea. The list of examples is lengthy.

In the 1970’s it was all about motivation. Motivational speakers became popular, and they brought with them new ways and ideas of how to manifest.  In fact, the basic idea of looking at what you wanted in your life and then consciously trying to create it really became embraced. You were shown that if you wanted a new car the way to get it was to shop for it and when you found the car you wanted to take a picture of yourself in it and put it where you would see it frequently. Also, to bring home brochures of the car and leave them around where you could look at them often. In this way you could “manifest” that particular new car.

Fast forward 35 years and you have the book/movie “The Secret” and the concepts popularized about the energy of manifesting and how to utilize that energy… by creating a vision board. Still the same energy, just a deepening of the understanding of the “science” of it all. And now to the “Cathy” way of manifesting. I believe that what you are truly desiring to manifest is a feeling. Whatever it is that you think you want, it is actually the feeling you think you will have once you have acquired your desire. That is what you are seeking.

imagesSo why limit yourself with a picture of what you want at all? Why not see yourself feeling the way you want? How would this work? Okay, say you do want a new car. Instead of deciding what kind of car you want….decide why you want one. What do you want to feel when you are in that car? Do you want to feel safe? Free? Pampered? Young? Adventurous? Then see yourself walking out to your car (do not picture the car, just the walk to it) and see….visualize and feel….yourself feeling the way you want as you walk. See yourself smiling, and joyful, or peaceful, or excited, etc. Manifest the feeling in relationship to the car. Maybe you would have created a Volkswagen and you can actually manifest a BMW. You see? In order to identify the feeling you desire you may need to clear some blocks. You may need to release limitations, clear mental pictures, and expectations.

You truly are a powerful being. Free from baggage, you can manifest that which you desire.