It seems the topic of resistance is surfacing frequently. It shows up continually in the sessions of my clients, and I’ve been locating it in myself and using it to identify areas to heal. It seems to be a part of most all emotional wounds, particularly if they are from the past.
Do you have unresolved issues or emotional wounds?
If you do, at some point, you “resisted” the emotions and feelings. You resisted facing them and clearing them.
Often there is resistance to the very idea that you have resistance!
So what is resistance? Resistance is opposition, it’s pushing against, and the more you resist the more you attract the very thing you are trying to avoid. The quote, “what you resist, persists” is true. There are some simple ways to identify resistance. The word “don’t” is a good clue. The more you focus on what you don’t want the more resistance you create. If life seems stressful, difficult and full of struggle…you are dealing with resistance. The more confusion you feel, the more resistance you are experiencing. The more control you seem to need, the more resistance you live with.
Often resistance will show up in your relationships,
or lack of relationship.
Relationships are your best mirrors. If you’re guarded and protecting yourself…you’re in resistance. Most people desire a feeling of freedom in their life, but if you must “protect” your freedom….You Are Not Free.
You can’t be guarded and free at the same time.
If you are guarded you’re in resistance.
I imagine you resist sickness, emotional pain, and dying. Most people do. Do you ever find you resist positive things, too? Often not knowing an outcome can bring up resistance, insecurities, and fears. We often resist the unknown. Not “knowing” can bring a feeling of being “out of control.” Do you prefer the security of thinking you’re in control? Here’s a little secret…
Life will keep you and through you.
The less you struggle against it, the more you go with the flow, the more enjoyable the journey. It’s an important skill, learning to identify and use resistance when it shows up. If you can identify your resistance it can lead you to the real issue. Addressing that can set you free. In life, you will experience resistance.The trick is to let it become a barometer. Seeing it and letting it lead you to the fear.