

Your ultimate responsibility is to yourself. To love and care for your body, your mind, your emotions and your spirit. How well you do this will determine your level of “happiness” in this life. It is your responsibility to understand and fill your inner needs. It is your responsibility to seek your sense of worthiness………And you have the privilege, the opportunity, and the right, to do all these things through a not-so-little thing called Free Will. That is the gift of being human.

Why is it then that this gift is so often feared? Have you reached a point in your life where you have thrown off this learned tendency of looking outward for the definition of your life? The judgmental mentality you grew up with in this culture is in direct opposition to the concept that you have, not only the responsibility, but the power to exert choice in any given moment. To direct the flow of your life. 

What is so scary about taking ultimate responsibility for your life anyway? Will you make mistakes? Yes! But if they are your mistakes you can do something about them. If you give your power over to someone else, make them responsibile  for whether or not you are happy and your needs are met, they will make mistakes too, but other than having someone to blame, you won’t be able to do anything about it. When you give your power away you are disempowered, plain and simple. You allow yourself to become a Victim to the circumstances of another’s making. Ugh!!! 

That brings us all the way around and back to Free Will. Taking charge of your own life, creating your own health, managing your own world, finding and fulfilling your purpose all comes from choice. It all comes from within. The most powerful thing you have is your choice. The choices of how you treat your body, the choices of what you believe, the choice of your companions in life, the choice of your job/career. You have choice and that choice is power. It is the most power you have. When you step into this place of responsibility for yourself its not as scary as you fear. It is empowering. It is the most powerful you will ever feel!