The “Saboteur”

Do you listen to the whispers of the Saboteur and think it’s Inner Guidance?

Are your thoughts bringing you closer to something you love and desire, or are they keeping you away? How do you tell the difference?

The Saboteur is the guardian of your choices, and this archetype, like the other Survival Archetypes, can be worked in either the positive, empowering side…or the negative, disempowering side.

The Saboteur is the part of you that is afraid of the consequences of becoming powerful.

The Saboteur knows, through your choices, you have the ability to change your world…you can actually rearrange your reality…and that creates fear. If the fear is more powerful than the truth of your guidance, you will sabotage yourself.

The role of the Saboteur is to protect you.

What it does not realize is that by trying to shield you from pain, it actually perpetuates it. In the negative, the Saboteur distances you from your dreams, from what you love, and from others by telling you what you aren’t, and what won’t work. “Protecting” you from being hurt by weaving stories based on fear and keeping you separate from what you desire.

Ask yourself, “What am I afraid I am going to lose?”

This question can reveal the Inner Critic that is sabotaging you, and help you see what direction your thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions are taking you. Are they empowering you or disempowering you? Listening to your inner guidance, rather than your Inner Critic, and making small empowering choices helps you build the stamina the Soul needs to then follow larger, life-changing guidance. This is the way you invest in strengthening your Soul rather than sabotaging tactics.