It’s Your Life!

If life were imagesa play you would study the “role” you were assigned. You would develop the character by figuring out his or her motivation, attitudes, emotions, and beliefs. Real life is not so very different.

For each “role” you take on there are inherent beliefs or “pictures” that come with it.


Look at the role of parent. The role of parent comes with pictures….maybe it’s Baptism,  graduation, wedding, grandchildren, etc.  These pictures are part of the fabric of our culture and you inherit them when you step into this role. If they are important to you, you will build on them, making them stronger. But, and here is the big BUT…..even if they aren’t…..

        They Don’t Go Away!

Because these pictures have an emotional charge. Unless you actually clear the beliefs/pictures from your subconscious and energy fields they remain. What if your child does not fill your pictures? This is where you can get blindsided. What if they quit school, never get married, never have kids,…..

There go all your pictures!!

You will have to deal with the loss of them, whether they were personally important to you or not, because they were beliefs that you inherited of what life with a child would look like.


                           You were imprinted the day you became a parent.stick-figure-family

Now think of all the “roles” you play, and have played,  in your life…child, parent, brother, sister, student, teacher, friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, scholar, delinquent, athlete. The list is endless when you start to pay attention. That is a lot of beliefs and pictures in your head that you didn’t create. You didn’t ask for, and often don’t even realize are there, until they show up!


 And they all come with imprinted pictures.

If these pictures are unfulfilled it creates the “negative” emotions. The pictures that are fulfilled also have an emotional charge….a positive charge. The more intense the positive, or the negative experience, the larger the emotional charge. Of course, it’s the negative charges that create the difficulty, because those come with the emotions of grief, disappointment, fear, shame, guilt, etc. which are difficult to deal with and become “baggage” if not addressed.

The “moral of the story?” Your life is a story,
Play every part fully….the pain, and the laughter.
Be present to it all. It’s your life!!