
We are on to the second component necessary to live as your Authentic Self, and that is Acceptance. (The first was Presence.) To read that blog [Click Here]. With Presence you bring who you are into the moment….you embody that space in time. Presence is about “being.”

Acceptance is about what you “do,” or maybe a better word is “allow,” in that moment. The definition of Acceptance contains words such as “approval, receiving, admittance. In spiritual terminology we connect Acceptance to words such as “detachment, neutrality, and non-judgement.” So, what does all that really mean?

Acceptance, like Presence, is a State of Being. I call the feelings like love, gratitude, forgiveness, joy, empathy, etc. States of Being. They are feelings, rather than an emotions. I see the energy of Acceptance as quiet, calm, and peaceful. It is when the inner critic is silent. It is when you are not judging yourself… or others.

Acceptance is a gentle “knowing” that all is as it needs to be…and because of that, all is well. That does not mean it is as you wanted, or planned. It means you have released the need to control and manipulate your physical reality. In fact, the deepest Acceptance comes when you have relinquished control, and stepped into the “flow” your life.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? Now, how do you get there?
To get there you must Look Within…..

If and when you truly accept yourself as you are you will have allowed Acceptance into your life. To get there, you may need to heal emotional wounds. You may need to let go of toxic emotions, such as blame, shame and guilt. You may need to step out of “victim” mentality. You may also may need to release old limiting beliefs and thought patterns.

To truly love and accept yourself is the journey you are on.
Living the journey is the path to living joyfully as your Authentic Self.