Planning a New Year

It’s that time of year….

What do you want to create this New Year?

What do you want to achieve?

What do you want to bring in…..and what do you want to let go?

And most importantly…


Who do you want to be?

Ultimately, “who you want to be” will define the person that creates all the rest. It’s the most important question.

And right behind…


What do you have to let go of?

An old belief?
A lack of confidence?
A relationship?
An old voice in your head?

These are the things that can stand in your way…
and anything else that speaks to you of fear and doubt. 


Reach Your Dreams.

I encourage you to make a list of your dreams, print them out and start exploring “yourself” today.
Let this be the beginning of Your New year.


Remember… If you don’t have the time to visualize and plan,
it’s unlikely you’ll find the time to Create.



So…Take the Time! You’re worth it!

It can be the beginning of a new life experience for you!

Here’s  a worksheet to guide you as you walk into the new year… you can download a printable copy by clicking the link below:

Reach Your Goals With Gratitude!


I urge you to take this time for yourself to contemplate, dream, and visualize your year. When you’re ready, let yourself shift into gratitude.

Gratitude creates. Let yourself see and feel yourself living your dreams. Feel the gratitude as if you are already there!

Take your time. This is for You!!

Goals: (What are your dreams for 2019? What do you want to change? Create? Achieve? It can be one or many.)

Why: (explore why this is important to you. What will it bring you?)

How: (What is your plan? What do you need to do to reach each of your goals? Then ask yourself, “what is the one thing I can do today?“ Ask yourself that every day. It may be the same “one thing” for several days, or it may change.)

What: Is there anything you need from outside yourself to reach your goal? Resources you need? (Support, money, tools, etc.)

Obstacles: What has stopped you from already achieving your goal? What is no longer serving you? What obstacles are in your way? (Identify them ….relationships, old beliefs and limitations, old labels, fears, etc.)

Release: Is there anything you need to let go of to reach your goal? (Look to the previous question to help you)

Commitment: How committed are you to reaching your goals? Use a scale of 0-10. Do it for each goal. (Be honest. You may find that your goal has changed or shifted. If it is not a high rating, look at why. Is it really that important or has it helped you identify an even more important goal?)