Great Attendance at the Boundaries Class!

I taught a class last weekend on Boundaries. In attendance were 15 amazing people who all contributed to the class dynamic. Reflecting on the energy of that class, I realized that whether or not someone spoke up in class, each person’s presence was essential to the outcome of the class. That’s what I love about learning and sharing in group. The energy is formed by who is present, and whether it’s through their questions, through sharing another perspective, or by their active listening….

Everyone is a teacher and everyone is important!!

Never doubt the impact you can have on others by just showing up.

So to those who came… a hearty “Bravo!”
Thank you for showing up for each other, and for showing up for yourself.

If you attended this class and wish to leave a comment about the class, and/or share how you are integrating the information into your life, you can do so below!