The Spiritual Entrepreneur

Do you have an Entrepreneurial Spirit?

Do you dream of building your own business….or
Do you have a business that needs a boost?
Are you bursting with ideas and need a plan?
Are you ready to bring your dream to life?


Join me in this 4-class Intensive to learn the Quantum Mechanics involved in creating your dream. Together we will journey from the concept of Fractals and how they shape your life, to your Boundaries, the connection between Love and Money, and why you need to embrace Change in your life.

Explore your Limiting Beliefs, how to shift them, and what’s holding you back from creating the life you desire. You’ll participate in exercises to Reclaim Your Power and Future Visioning.

All this is done in an intimate, safe and creative environment. You’ll also receive the support of others, have continuing contact and communication via a private group Facebook page.


Thursdays 2/16, 3/2, 3/16, 4/13

6 – 8:30 p.m. $400

Class size is limited to 6 participants

Register Early to secure your space!

Early Registration Discount until 2/4 : $350

“This class takes on a new level of learning in business! It brings spirit and truth to who we are and why we do what we do. It gave me courage and peace to move forward.”

…. M. White

“I would recommend this class to anyone who is wanting and ready to develop a successful business for real. Be Ready to Shine!” ….

…Christen Landry

A well thought out journey of a class!! I’ve learned many new ideas that have most certainly brought my business to a new level.”

…Sarah Landry Ryder

A Few More Details…

Assisted by the use and understanding of quantum mechanics, a Spiritual Entrepreneur creates trust, vulnerability and a deep commitment to their vision, their dream. A Spiritual Entrepreneur doesn’t just sit and pray – they back up their prayers, their intention, their dream, their vision with the action steps necessary to move in the direction they wish to go. Using these tools and techniques will assist them in that journey.

“A Spiritual Entrepreneur has let go of the idea of being a victim, of needing to be rescued, and they have stepped into the space of creation. They have shifted from surviving to thriving. They have set their intention using their understanding of the mechanics of the quantum field and let it fly. They have released attachment to outcome, understanding that it is the “feeling” of their vision that they are reaching for. They know to use their emotions and feelings to direct the energy. They understand the power of Gratitude.”

Do you wish to create your life as a Entrepreneur ? I do!

Facilitator: Cathy Follansbee
Location: Traverse City

Explore what it takes to
become a successful Entrepreneur

The Journey Begins With You…

Additional Bonus:
$25 discount for healing sessions scheduled
during class series

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