

Judgement is insidious. It is something so ingrained into our culture that it is often not seen for what it is. Many religions tell you that you were born not worthy. Right out of the chute, there is something “wrong” with you! Wow! That God has judged you as unworthy from the very beginning is a pretty big cross to bear. And that is just the beginning……

You have been labeled as “good” or “bad” often. Judged on your achievements and accomplishments rather than acknowledged for “who” you are. Even Santa judges you, asking “Were you a good little boy/girl?” You were taught comparison and competition…..deluged by media examples of “perfection.” You have been  judged your entire life. Then at the end of your life what do you have to look forward to? Judgement Day. 

With all this judgement going around is it any wonder that you judge yourself and others on a continual basis? But this is in direct opposition to your Worthiness. It creates guilt, blame, and victim consciousness. It takes away your authentic, personal power. 

It also comes from within. When you find yourself judging others, look inside. There will be some kind of mirror if you look deep enough. Perhaps you will discover you behave in the same way, make the same choices, and wish you didn’t. Or, it could be the exact opposite. It may be that what you are judging is reflecting back to you something you wish you had, something you are missing, a quality or even something material. So, observing your judgements can be a great tool for growth, if you use the observation to shift. 

To truly step into your Personal Power, requires letting go of the mentality of judgement. It requires taking responsibility for the direction of your life, and the choices you make. This is the path to the life you desire.