So far we have explored Authenticity, Presence, and Courage as important aspects to Living as Your Authentic Self. It’s time to look at Vulnerability.
Brene’ Brown defines Vulnerability in her book Daring Greatly as “uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.”
Why would you risk exposure?
Because it’s necessary to experience what you crave in life. Through Vulnerability you receive the love, connectedness, and sense of belonging that you are hard-wired to seek…..and it’s a key ingredient to creativity. You must allow yourself the experience of being Vulnerable to take what’s inside of you and express it outwardly to the world.
Vulnerability isn’t weakness. Allowing yourself to be, and feel, totally exposed takes courage and strength. Being Vulnerable feels like being naked. To be Vulnerable you must let go of control. It requires you to take off the mask(s) you have hidden behind to protect yourself from judgement, criticism, and disappointment.
“Vulnerability is where Courage and Fear meet!”
…Brene Brown
In life you will face “uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.” That is a fact. There will be no escaping it. The question becomes what do you do with it. Do you allow it to help you reach deep within and launch yourself toward your dreams? I hope you do, because……
That is the path to living a life of purpose.
That is the way to Live as Your Authentic Self.